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How Shoe Covers Will Improve Customer Relations in the Service Industry

Positive customer relations are key to the success of any business; no one wants to hire someone that is unpleasant to work with. Having a reputation for going above and beyond the norm, though, will set your business apart from competitors and ensure customer loyalty. Anticipating and meeting customers’ needs beyond the service you’re providing is an excellent way to go the extra mile.
Working in someone else’s home can feel awkward and intrusive. If you’re in a service industry that involves making house calls, ensuring you respect your customer’s personal space is essential. Respect itself is important, but you can take that principle a step further by making sure customers know you’re doing everything you can to respect their space.
One of the most basic ways to communicate respect is by maintaining the cleanliness of someone’s home. BootieButler’s wide range of shoe covers offers an instant way to communicate that you want to do everything you can to keep your customer’s home clean. Immediately covering your shoes upon entering a home tells the homeowner you’re doing all you can to keep their space clean. Plumbers that have to crawl beneath the house before coming back inside – shoe covers are for you. Cable technicians that track grass and pollen into homes – shoe covers are for you. Home contractors that walk through sawdust, mud, and paint – shoe covers are for you.
Happy customers translate into returning customers. By showing your customers that you’re willing to go that extra mile to respect their home, you will undoubtedly leave a positive impression in their mind. When it comes time in the future for these customers to decide between hiring someone who took the time to ensure the cleanliness of their home and someone who just walks right in with their dirty shoes, the choice is clear.